
Thursday 5 October 2017

One Week in Wales: Day One

Last Updated: 15 June 2024

Couple holidaying in Aberystwyth, Wales

One week, one couple, one summer holiday.

That was the recipe for our summer holiday this year as we prepared to head across the border for a sightseeing trip of mid to south Wales, Pembrokeshire and the Brecon Beacons. Fitting all that into one week was always going to be challenging, and our jam-packed itinerary said everything we needed to know about that, but we love adventure, walking and travelling so this was the perfect getaway for us. 

Having said that, the one downside to the trip was the fact that I had previously contracted glandular fever and was officially diagnosed with it the week before we were due to go away. Judging from the fact I was off work for the week and barely had the energy to move from one room of the house to another, my illness threw the future of the whole trip into question. However, I'm strong-willed, determined and resilient - I wasn't going to let this illness get the better of me and ruin our long-awaited holiday. 

So, with assurances that we would dial it down a bit and allow plenty of time for me to rest and go at my own pace, we set off.

Due to budget constraints (who realised just how expensive holidays and travelling are, right?), we planned to spend one night in a hotel or B&B followed by the next night camping. Admittedly, things didn't quite turn out the way we planned, but more on that later. For now, we're off to Aberystwyth for our first night of the trip.

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The drive itself was pretty uneventful; we had our singalongs playlist for the car, so coupled with cookies, coffee, and excitement, we set off. I've visited a big chunk of the UK after many years of family caravan holidays, but this was his first visit to Wales, a fact that played an influential role in the initial destination-choosing process. The narrow roads, abundance of tractors, and translated road signs were a real novelty factor on that first day, but as the week wore on, they became more and more commonplace.

Aber is a curious town, a mixture of traditional seaside resort, uni city, and nightlife destination. After checking into our guest house, Maes-Y-Môr, right in the centre of town near the seafront, we decided to spend the remainder of the day exploring the town. We trekked up Constitution Hill (with many stops on my part - thanks, glandular fever), took in the views and enjoyed the fresh sea air.

Later on, after a traditional fish-and-chip seaside dinner from a cafe on the promenade, we walked the other way and had a look around the ruins of the castle. Running around and exploring the ruins like children, followed by watching the sun set over the sea from our perch high up on the clifftop was the perfect end to the first day of our first holiday together.

Don't miss the second instalment of the series - keep checking back to discover the rest of our holiday day by day!

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