
Sunday 30 June 2024

Reading Round-Up: May/June 2024

The Writing Greyhound bookshelves

Summer is finally here and it's been lovely to enjoy reading in the garden on the warmer days again. These last few months have also been quite busy for me outside of my bookish world, as the real world has been filled with plenty of last-minute preparations for a certain new arrival. That has meant time to read has been a little on the limited side, but luckily, needing to rest more often has also meant more time to delve into whichever book I've had on the go. Swings and roundabouts! 

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Review: Simba Orbit Weighted Blanket

Simba Orbit weighted blanket folded in box

*AD | Simba is at the forefront of sleep technology innovation and enhancing sleep quality. Their Orbit weighted blanket lives up to this reputation, providing a sleep experience that's both comfortable and luxurious.

Read on for my review of the blanket and all the reasons why it's sure to be a great addition to your sleep routine.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Why You Should Enrich Your Life with Music Lessons

AD* | I've always been a firm believer in the power of music and the benefits that it can bring. From the instant mood lift you get after listening to your favourite song to the rush when you finally nail a particularly tricky piece of music, the universal language of music is one that is firmly rooted in our hearts.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Reading Round-Up: March/April 2024

The Writing Greyhound bookshelves

Spring is in the air, and it's been wonderful to sit and read in the natural light for longer now that the evenings are getting lighter once again. This is the time of year for new beginnings and making fresh starts, and spring 2024 has certainly been a good one for my reading too.

Read on to catch up with everything that's been going on lately in my bookish world!

Thursday 29 February 2024

Reading Round-Up: January/February 2024

The Writing Greyhound bookshelves

It's time for my first reading round-up post of the year! With plenty of books on my shelves, I've been busy reading away to get 2024 off to a strong start for my annual reading challenge. Read on to check out everything that's been going on lately in my bookish world!