
Thursday 5 July 2018

Why I Write and Where I Write by Adam Alexander

Last Updated: 07 October 2024

Garage Band by Adam Alexander book blog tour banner

I started writing my very first novel when I was still at university and didn’t own a computer. It was back in the day when computer screens were made of green text. I wrote it by hand, on my university notepad. It was about a homeless guy who survives a hit and run, almost by miracle, and post-recovery turns from rags to riches on the tennis circuit. I showed the first chapter to my girlfriend, who later became my ex-wife. She read it, slated it, told me how little I knew about the tennis circuit, and how much research I needed to do before I could write a novel, and I made the worst mistake ever. I listened to her. As a result, I stopped writing for fear of not knowing enough about what I was writing.

An entire lifetime passed between those timid moments of sharing my unfinished, raw thoughts with another person and now. I graduated, got married, had two kids, started and closed a multitude of businesses, got divorced, and forgot about writing until I did an MBA, oddly enough, where I realised I’d let some of my dreams fall by the wayside.

I remarried, and Annie, my wife has been my inspiration for all my writing. In fact, if it wasn’t for her, I would never have gotten over that 28-year writer’s block. I woke up from a dream one morning and told Annie what I’d dreamt, and how it would make a great opening scene for a book. She virtually demanded the book from me, and pushed me, chapter by chapter until the book was done.

Garage Band by Adam Alexander book cover

Of all the books I’ve written (five titles to date), Garage Band is her absolute favourite. She no longer gets my novels chapter by chapter now. Even Annie has to wait until the entire book is complete before I let her have the first draft. My favourite reward for my writing is to listen to her laugh as she reads the pages and to be the cause of her losing sleep because she can’t put the book down. I’ve been responsible for depriving her of her Sunday afternoon nap because the story was too exciting. I’ve also been in so much trouble for the way I ended one of my books that she called my mother to complain.

I write because I love to tell stories. Stories captivate people, move people, and in the process of telling a story, I get to take your emotions on a journey. My best stories are the ones that make you laugh and cry but leave you feeling good. I don’t do hard-hitting and gut-wrenching. There is enough shock, horror and sadness in the world. When you enter my world, you’re going to be entertained, and you’re going to walk away feeling a rush, and a smile.

Why read Garage Band? It’s a fresh take on the age-old theme of revenge. It’s been described as “raw, gutsy and entertaining”, with witty dialogue that has the reader in stitches. It has no shortage of suspense and plot twists that keep you guessing right to the end.

My favourite place to write is on the patio table, overlooking the pool, to the sounds of the water feature, alongside Annie while she works her own magic colouring. Between my words and her colouring, we pass hours together. If I didn’t have to work, that would be where I spent all my time – doing what I love, with the person I love, and bringing a smile to you, even if just for a moment, in this world where we’re so desperately hungry for goodness.

Adam Alexander is a multi-talented writer who has demonstrated his skill across multiple genres. His characters are just real enough to fall in love with, and just dark enough to doubt. His books have begun to gather international acclaim. Garage Band was among only a handful of titles to be nominated as runner-up in the Shelf Unbound Best Indie Book of the Year competition, and the same title received a glowing Readers Favorite five stars.

Garage Band is available to buy now (paid link; commission earned). For more about Adam Alexander and his writing, check out his website or follow his latest updates on Twitter.

Will you be reading the book? Let me know in the comments below!

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