
Tuesday 22 August 2017

Interview: R.S. Williams

Last Updated: 03 June 2024

The Collective by R.S. Williams book blog tour banner

This morning I'm pleased to welcome author R.S. Williams to the blog for my stop on the blog tour for her novel The Collective. Read on to find out all about her thoughts on writing, Harry Potter, and, of course, the book.

Firstly, tell me a little about yourself and your background.
My name is Rhianne, I’m a pretty ordinary introvert working a normal office day job, and by night I create stories inside my head.
How did you first become interested in writing?
I’ve always loved reading and the amount of different emotions that come with the stories. I wanted to create something that could re-create the same reaction I have when I read books. Started when I was 16, and apart from a short break, I have been writing every day since.
Tell me about The Collective. 
The Collective is two different things. The title of my book and a secret society guarding time from dangerous artefacts and wrong choices. We meet Tilly who is studying at university, and Jenny who is part of the society and wants to move up through the ranks. Tilly then gets kidnapped and taken on an adventure. Jenny is sent to get her back.
The Collective by R.S. Williams book cover

How do you get inspiration?
Inspiration is everywhere. I get it from Pinterest, things people say and do. Movies, books, TV shows, and games.
What draws you to writing fantasy?
It’s my favourite genre to read and therefore it’s easy for me to write. There are fewer rules as you make them all up yourself.
What’s your writing process?
My process is different for every book. Some books get plotted out, some get written in order, some don’t. I like the variety. For The Collective it was all done my the seat of my pants. The idea just appeared and grew. I usually sit down and write in the morning for about 30 minutes before work and 1.5 hours on the weekend.
What’s the hardest thing about writing?
Writing. My career choice is possibly the hardest one out there but it’s so fulfilling.
What do you love most about writing?
Writing. Creating new stories and putting the words to paper is an amazing feeling.
R.S. Williams author photo

Which authors inspire you?
Sarah J. Maas, V.E. Schwab, and of course my writing friends; Laura Teagen, Ashley Carlson, Briana Morgan, Rachael Tulipano, Liz Meldon and Sarina Langer.
Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?
TRY EVERYTHING. Honestly. The only way you’ll find whats best for your writing style is to try everything a see what fits best.
What’s your all-time favourite book?
OH. What a difficult question. I love so many books. However, the only books I’ve re-read are the Harry Potter ones.
What are your ambitions for your writing career?
To continue to write and publish stories. I hope to be traditionally published one day and walk into a bookstore, and see someone picking up my book, then deciding to buy it. Life Made.
If you weren’t a writer, what do you think you’d be doing?
Probably watching FAR too much TV in my spare time. As it is I probably do that too much anyway. Probably the same thing that I am doing now at the day job, living a half-life.
What are your interests outside of writing and reading?
TV, Netflix, I go to the cinema a lot with my friends and my mum. My boyfriend and I like to go for walks too. Pokemon Go.
What are you currently working on?
Three different stories.1. The Sequel to The Collective, 2. A new trilogy idea, but only book one and 3. A romance.
What are you reading at the moment?
I usually always have about 3 novels on the go, a paperback, Kindle and Kindle Fire book. Currently, it’s Empire of Storms (I know I’m late to the party).

The Collective is available to buy now (paid link; commission earned). 

What do you think? Will you be reading the book? Let me know in the comments below!

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