
Wednesday 4 January 2017

Spotlight: Rock, Scissors, Paper by Richard Stevenson

Last Updated: 19 May 2024

In the early 1980s, serial killer Clifford Olson rampaged through the lower mainland of British Columbia, raping and murdering eleven victims. His heinous cash-for-bodies deal foreshortened his trial and resulted in the law currently on Canadian books that forbids criminals from benefiting financially from their crimes.

Olson was just the pimple on the hide of a misogynist culture, as this long poem sequence attests.

Sometimes a book project chooses its author, as this one did when the author recognised one of the victims from her photograph.

WARNING: Graphic language and violence. Due to the nature of the contents, all readers must be 18 years or older and prepared for the difficult subject matter and language within this book.

Rock, Scissors, Paper by Richard Stevenson Book Cover

About Richard Stevenson

Richard Stevenson was born in Victoria, B.C., in 1952 and has lived in western Canada and Nigeria. A college English teacher by profession, he taught English, Canadian and African literature, business communication, creative and technical writing, E.S.L., and humanities courses in high schools and colleges. A former editor-in-chief of Prism International, he served in various editorial, jury, and writing/arts group executive capacities. His own reviews and poems have appeared in hundreds of magazines, anthologies, e-zines, and journals published in Canada, the United States, and overseas. He performed with the jazz/poetry group Naked Ear and rock music/YA verse troupe Sasquatch, and occasionally puts other ensembles together for book launches and performances and reviews books.

Rock, Scissors, Paper is available to buy now (paid link; commission earned).

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