
Sunday, 1 January 2017

5 Books I want to Read in 2017

Last Updated: 19 May 2024

If you're a long-term follower of my blog, you may well remember that about this time last year, I did a post of five books I wanted to read in 2016. Now that 2016 has been and gone, I've looked back on that post and realised that I only managed to read one of those five books all year... oops! And that's despite the fact that I read over 50 books in 2016!

Rather than just recycling the same books again for this year (with the exception of Ghost Hunter by Michelle Paver, which was the only one of last year's five I read), I've decided to do a new post of the five books I want to read (and actually intend to read) in 2017. This time, I've gone solely for books that have been sent to me by authors and publishers for review but have slipped through the net - until now.

I've set my Goodreads reading challenge goal as 50 books again for this year, which should give me plenty of scope to include my picks.

So which are the books that I have chosen to read in 2017?

The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald

The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald book cover

It's about books, it's about travel, it's about adventure. What's not to love? This was a Netgalley acquisition that I never had time to review because I naively requested a whole load of Netgalley titles in one go so unsurprisingly ended up with a flood of books and nowhere near enough time to read them all (suffice to say, I never made that mistake again!)

Agent of Equilibrium by N.J. Mercer

Agent of Equilibrium by N.J. Mercer book cover

This one just turned up on my doorstep one day and has been sitting invitingly on my bookshelf ever since. The sad truth is that I very rarely get to read or review books that I haven't personally requested or have been sent from the author/publisher with a review deadline. This means that, sadly, books I buy myself or that turn up unexpectedly like this one usually end up in a box in the corner of my room because I just don't have time to read them.

The Love Triangle by Nic Tatano

The Love Triangle by Nic Tatano book cover

Another Netgalley acquisition, I was intrigued by the blurb so ended up requesting the book (Netgalley is dangerous, I swear!) I'd like to finally make some time to be able to read The Love Triangle in 2017.

Puck by Kim Askew and Amy Helmes

Puck by Kim Askew and Amy Helmes book cover

When I was approached by one of the authors and asked to review Puck, how could I possibly refuse? I broke my own strict 'no more review copies until you've cleared your backlog' rule because I was instantly hooked by the book's description. It's loosely based on A Midsummer Night's Dream and is meant to be an incredibly funny, entertaining read. I look forward to reading it!

The Magician's Workshop by Christopher Hansen

The Magician's Workshop by Christopher Hansen book cover

I received a copy of this book just a few days ago from the publisher, Wondertale Press. I always do my best to support indie authors and small publishers, and this book sounded right up my street. I've been reading quite a lot of fantasy lately so I'm hoping The Magician's Workshop will add to this.

Which books are you planning to read in 2017? Let me know in the comments below!

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