
Thursday 22 December 2016

Poetry Block: Patchwork Poetry by Mel Finefrock

Last Updated: 17 May 2024

Thanks to the overwhelmingly positive response to the first edition of Poetry Block, today I'm pleased to bring you the second of the series.

This time I'm featuring the poet Mel Finefrock, who is here to share with us one of the poems from her anthology Patchwork Poetry as well as her thoughts and opinions on some of the common misconceptions about poetry.

While at the Park


Tendrils of hair,
loosed from my ponytail,
tickle my smiling cheeks.

A dense grove of trees
reaches from the shadows
toward the graying sky
and its silver linings.

The wind is cool
as it sings past my ears,
wafting the sweet perfume
of dampened tanbark
to my nose.

I am all limbs and joints
and dreams of freedom.

I’m flying,
but I don’t believe in
the laws of physics;
I work with them instead.

I become the pendulum
and hypnotize myself.


If there's anything I want people to take away from Lorna's blog series, it's that poetry doesn't bite... pun intended. If it's not for you, it's not for you - tea isn't always everyone's cup of tea, for example, but I want to scratch out the narrative RIGHT NOW that poetry is technical, boring, high-brow, and unattainable. While some forms are definitely more complicated (admittedly even for me), poetry isn't all about the forms. It's accessible to enjoy and to learn, and with all due respect to my former teachers, I'm not talking about the painstaking, analytical learning you remember from the classroom. 

Poetry is for everyone and has been written and spoken by people from all walks of life, regardless of social standing, cultural background, or education level. That's because poetry is about being human. It's about the magic of the moment, it's about beauty amidst pain, it's about making your voice heard and finding yourself in others' words. I encourage you to read, write, and listen. Pick up the classics, but check out writing circles, bookstore and YouTube readings, and other indie poets online. Poetry is a journey, so don't be intimidated - hop aboard that Greyhound and explore!

About Mel Finefrock

Mel Finefrock Author Photo

Once a book editor, now a claims adjuster, and an artist still, Mel feels privileged to have had a variety of experiences, all with her eyes closed and her mind and heart wide open. Mel has self-published a book entitled Patchwork Poetry, been featured in interviews with Plano Magazine and the BBC, written for popular blogs such as, the Mighty, and the Huffington Post, and was the source of inspiration behind Melissa Foster's bestselling novel, Touched by Love. She also enjoys singing and playing guitar, and just about any cup of tea is her cup of tea. Mel now resides in the Downtown Plano Arts District with her partner, Jordan.

Patchwork Poetry is available to buy now (paid link; commission earned). Connect with Mel on Facebook or DeviantArt

Are you a poet and would like to be featured in the next edition of Poetry Block? Get in touch!

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