
Friday 12 August 2016

August Blog Challenge - Day 11

August blog challenge day 11: What's in your make-up bag?

I know I'm a day late with this again (oops!) but 4.15am starts coupled with family birthdays and a day of training for a new job apparently don't mix well with keeping on top of blogging!

But anyway - on with the post.

Despite the fact that I very rarely wear make-up, I seem to have rather a lot of it hoarded! My collection consists of the few staples I always use when I go out, plus a load of make-up I'm not entirely sure where I got it from and I've never actually used, but I can't quite bring myself to get rid of it because it just looks so pretty.

I don't care about buying from a particular brand - on the rare occasion I do buy make-up, I buy it because it's practical, cheap, and more often than not, the first brand I happen to pick up.

I'm not pretending to be a beauty blogger, (not least because I'd be the worst beauty blogger in history) so I'm just going to leave you with a few photos of my make-up stash.

The Writing Greyhound makeup bag contents

I'm a complete sucker for colour, which may go a little way towards explaining why I've got a range of eye pencils in colours I'd never be bold enough to wear out.

The Writing Greyhound eye pencils

For that matter, I even have a bunch of lipsticks despite never having worn lipstick in my life.

The Writing Greyhound lipstick shades

Now, makeup aside, I'm much more of a nail-varnish kind of girl. I got rid of a lot of my nail varnishes fairly recently, but I still have a good variety of colours (it's that colour obsession again...). I love to experiment with mixing different colours and patterns - painting all my nails the same plain colour is not my thing at all!

The Writing Greyhound nail varnish

Glittery nail varnish adds that extra layer of sparkle!

The Writing Greyhound glitter nail varnish

What's in your make-up bag? Let me know in the comments below!

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