
Tuesday 2 May 2017

Interview: Gemma Metcalfe

Last Updated: 27 May 2024

Trust Me by Gemma Metcalfe book blog tour banner

It's my stop on the blog tour for Trust Me by Gemma Metcalfe! I grabbed a few minutes with Gemma for a chat about her writing, making it as an author, and, of course, the book... 

Firstly, tell me a little about yourself and your background.
I'm 31 and originally from Manchester. I now live in Tenerife with my husband Danny and two fluffy hooligans - Dora and Diego. My husband says I'm the dizziest, cleverest, most hardworking lazy person he knows!
How did you first become interested in writing?
I have always loved to read, and I’ve always had a pretty good imagination. I have enjoyed writing from a young age, often winning school competitions and such like. Trust Me was actually my first full novel, and writing a novel was something I have dreamed of achieving for a long time.
What draws you to writing thrillers?
I like mystery and subtext. When I read, I love writers who can pull the rug out from underneath you, who can draw you into the inner workings of a person's mind. I'm not really the gushy, romantic type, nor do I like mindless violence.
Tell us about Trust Me.
Trust Me is based on a chance phone call between two strangers. Lana, a single mother from Manchester, finds herself on the run in Tenerife, working in a backstreet call centre with an overpowering boss. She cold calls Liam, who is at home in Manchester choosing the quickest way to die. Liam has reached rock bottom, but decides that somebody ought to know the truth behind his suicide before he goes. As the story progresses, both begin to learn of the other's story, told through flashbacks. Trust Me covers many issues; depression, mental abuse, debt, addiction, fertility problems. It is a character driven story with twists and turns throughout and one almighty twist at the end!
How do you get inspiration?
Trust Me was actually inspired by my job as a call centre operative. For many years, I worked in a call centre here in Tenerife, selling promotional holidays. I was fascinated by the conversations I had with strangers, often building up friendships and becoming the sounding board for all types of issues; divorce, illness, loneliness. Some people really do want to talk, even if the other person is a stranger. I always knew this concept would make a good thriller. One day, whilst in the bath, I had a thought. What would I do if the person who answered the phone was about to commit suicide? It was this hypothetical question which drove the whole novel.
Trust Me by Gemma Metcalfe book cover

What’s your writing process?

I normally have a rough idea and an ending. I then begin to write, often changing things as I go along. My characters develop the more time I spend with them, which often means I go back over the beginning chapters. I am not a planner, preferring to see where the story takes me as I go along.
What’s the hardest thing about writing?
Writer's block! I have suffered with it a lot whilst writing book two. It's not always the idea that isn’t there, but rather the ability to write it. Sometimes I can sit down and the words will flow, other times, it's like the car lights have gone out and I’m crawling down a dark back road in a storm!
What do you love most about writing?
I love getting lost in my own imagination and creating storylines and characters which people can relate to. It really is the best job in the world.
Which authors inspire you?
I love Virginia Andrews purely because of Flowers In The Attic. I am also a huge fan of Martina Cole, Kimberley Chambers and B.A. Paris. I am hugely inspired by Lisa Hall, as she is with the same publisher as me and has done incredibly well. I am also inspired by Mark Edwards and Rachel Abbott. Both are self-published and are dominating the thriller genre.
Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?
Write a story that you want to read. Then hopefully others will too!
What’s your all-time favourite book?
Flowers In The Attic by Virginia Andrews. That novel creeped me out but it is a work of pure genius. The film was very poorly done, though, and I keep praying that someday it will be made into a Hollywood blockbuster!
Where’s your favourite place to write?
I can’t really work with distractions, so I write at my desk in my bedroom. Very boring seen as though I live in the sunshine! However, last summer I did finish writing Trust Me on my balcony of an evening with a glass of wine.
Gemma Metcalfe author photo

What are your ambitions for your writing career?
I absolutely want to become an Amazon number 1 bestseller. I have told my husband that I will achieve this dream in five years... so watch this space!
If you weren’t a writer, what do you think you’d be doing?
Well, I am a year 4 teacher already. At the moment I do both jobs, and I love teaching with all of my heart. Becoming a teacher was also another dream of mine.
What are your interests outside of writing and reading?
My main interests are reading and writing, I don’t really do much else! I am really interested in conspiracy theories and watching documentaries about real life problems, as well as watching thriller films!
What are you currently working on?
My WIP is based on two young women, one of whom mysteriously vanishes one evening after leaving to follow a man suspected of cheating. The two girls share a tainted past, and a terrible secret which they have hidden for years. Like Trust Me, the story is told through past and present, and I hope I have another twist or two in store.
What are you reading at the moment?
I am reading Mark Edwards' The Lucky Ones, which he sent me a few weeks ago. I was really excited as I considered that I’d 'made it' if Mark was sending me free stuff!
Trust Me is available to buy now (paid link; commission earned). To find out more about Gemma and her writing, follow her on Twitter.

Will you be reading the book? Let me know in the comments below!


  1. This sounds like a fab read. I worked in a mental health call centre and could write a book on some of the calls I took so would be interesting to see how this compares.

  2. Sounds different to anything I've ever read. Its very in time with mental health awareness week and it would be interesting to see how it pans out. I will be buying a copy to branch out my reading interests :)

  3. I've only got into reading thrillers in the past year, this sounds intriguing.
