
Monday 29 May 2017

The Journey Behind Writing a Book by Lainy Malkani

Last Updated: 01 June 2024

In September 2016, Lainy received a letter from Arts Council England informing her that she had been successful in her application for funding to write Sugar, Sugar. For the next six months, she set to work, researching and writing the stories that would eventually form Sugar, Sugar. But was the journey as smooth as she had first anticipated?

Saturday 27 May 2017

Interview: D.J. Torres

Last Updated: 01 June 2024

Fancy a chat? Of course, you do! I sat down with the author D.J. Torres to ask some questions and get some answers.

Friday 26 May 2017

Blog Tour Spotlight: Summer at Conwenna Cove by Darcie Boleyn

Last Updated: 01 June 2024

After having previously reviewed Something Old, Something New by Darcie Boleyn, I was really looking forward to reading more from her. So when Summer at Conwenna Cove came around and I was invited onto the blog tour, I jumped at the chance. After all, what self-respecting book blogger could resist a stop on a blog tour for a book they've been looking forward to reading? Definitely not me, that's for sure!

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Guest Post: Five Places to Visit With My Fiction by Hannah Fielding

Last Updated: 01 June 2024

In all my fiction, one truth is apparent: I am passionate about travel. Kenya, Italy, Spain, France, Britain, Ireland, the Greek Islands, Egypt – all these countries, and more – are places that have inspired my writing.

Here are five places you can visit by reading one of my books.

Thursday 11 May 2017

Interview: Pat Abercromby

Last Updated: 01 June 2024

It's my stop on the blog tour for Just One Life by Pat Abercromby! I sat down with Pat for a quick chat.

Just One Life by Pat Abercromby book blog tour banner

Friday 5 May 2017

Writing Fantasy from Experience by Ryan Elainska

Last Updated: 01 June 2024

Sometimes I play a game with myself. It goes like this: I’ll be driving along the highway, thinking about how I need to generate new story ideas, so I’ll decide that I will force myself to come up with one right then and there, based on whatever next catches my attention. Back when I was writing screenplays, I once played this game when I was driving alongside a semi-truck, and it resulted in an idea for a script about a woman who finds out that her truck-driver husband has four other wives all along his route, and goes on a road trip to meet them. I actually wrote the first draft of this. Was it a great idea? Meh. It could have been. I’m not sure I put in the work to make it as good as I could have, and that’s probably why that script is sitting in a drawer somewhere.

Thursday 4 May 2017

Spotlight: Madam Tulip by David Ahern

Last Updated: 27 May 2024

Madam Tulip by David Ahern book cover

Suspense, mystery, action, a little romance and lots of laughs.

The setting is Ireland, and out-of-work actress Derry O’Donnell is young, talented, a teeny bit psychic … and broke. Spurred on by an ultimatum from her awesomely high-achieving mother, and with a little help from her theatrical friends, Derry embarks on a part-time career as Madame Tulip, fortune-teller to the rich and famous. But at her first fortune-telling gig - a celebrity charity weekend in a castle - a famous rap artist will die.

As Derry is drawn deeper into a seedy world of celebrities, supermodels and millionaires, she finds herself playing the most dangerous role of her acting life. Trapped in a maze of intrigue, money and drugs, Derry's attempts at amateur detective could soon destroy her friends, her ex-lover, her father and herself.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Behind the Title - Creation of a Love Story by Cynthia Roberts

Last Updated: 27 May 2024

Creating romantic fiction has been a passion of mine, ever since I was old enough to understand the connection between the sexes. I think I was twelve when I wrote my first love story and like most young minds, I truly thought it was a masterpiece.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Interview: Gemma Metcalfe

Last Updated: 27 May 2024

Trust Me by Gemma Metcalfe book blog tour banner

It's my stop on the blog tour for Trust Me by Gemma Metcalfe! I grabbed a few minutes with Gemma for a chat about her writing, making it as an author, and, of course, the book...